Monday, December 17, 2012

The Fence

"Never jump over a fence, unless you are willing to face the consequences." I heard this from somewhere, I am unsure where it is from but it stuck with me. It made me realize I shouldn't dive head first without thinking out what will happen in the end. I could hurt someone in the end they could end up hating me. Why should I take the risk? Is it worth the risk? This is a question I ask myself everyday should I take the risk, will it be worth it, who will it help or hurt? This is something I think that people neglect to think of. People don't realize that actions have consequences. Everybody's actions have an effect on someone and people don't think that it will be harmful but sometimes it is. Let me ask you whoever is reading this do you think of others? Do you know what you do during the day is affecting someone? It may seem small and minuscule to you but to another person it can make or break them. So I write this simply to put my thought out there. The thought that do people ever think before they act.

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